So today we had a tournament where every time you won a match, you would receive a booster. As well, with entering, you would get a booster. 17 people entered, if I remember correctly and this was the last tournament before the next format!
Round 1: Daniel - Machina Gadget
Game 1: He doesn't draw a Gadget, but still manages to summon a chain of monsters: Machina Gearframe and Machina Fortress, Cyber Dragon and Machina Peacekeeper. I do what my deck does best: gain advantage. I double Trish him and he cannot make a comeback. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon helped a bit.
Game 2: He starts aggressively: he summons 2 Machina Fortress. I managed to get rid of the one, then remember a late-game Trish sealed the deal for me. Cyber Dragon into Chimeratech Fortress Dragon helped once again.
Round 2: Dax (Dax11) - Piper
Game 1: He just doesn't seem to be doing anything and I make an aggressive play and win.
Game 2: I opened into a hand that I could do nothing with. Didn't expect to win.
Game 3: Cyber Dragon got summoned on his end of the field, and I managed to Formula Synchron and then Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Won shortly after.
Round 3: Bevan - Quickdraw
Game 1 and 2: I remember he manages to get Drill Warrior out once and then again. But when he attacks into Ryko, he loses that advantage. A Trish in game 2 seals the deal.
Round 4: Uqail Abrahams (dragonite) - Piper
Game 1 and 2: Made a few good moves, but it's not enough to withstand 2 D.D. Crows and 3 Effect Veiler. Creature Swap put in some work, too.
Round 5: Achmat Hassiem - Scraps
Game 1: Scrap Dragon comes out, but so does my Trish. Card is broke.
Game 2: Pulling the Rug and D.D. Crow put in some work.
Top 8: Achmat Hassiem - Scraps
Game 1: I lose this. Open into: Spore, MST, POD, MST, Trunade, Warning.
Game 2: Trish puts in some work.
Game 3: Double Pulling the Rug.
Top 4: Wesley Williams - Six Samurai
Game 1: I lose. Herp Derp.
Game 2: I absolutely obliterate.
Game 3: He goes first. Summons Kageki and I chain Effect Veiler. I go and set Double Warning and Decree. Keep in mind that my opening was: Tytannial, 2 Warning, Decree, Spore then POD. I decree and Solemn Warning his Kagemusha then Kizan. End Phase Decree means I win.
We both get a booster in the final and go home.